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We are delighted that you are considering our Academy for your child's education.  The Admissions Authority for our Academy is the Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust and they set the Admissions Policy. They do however use Gloucestershire County Council to run the admission process for them.


Our admission number for each year at school is 45.  Once this has been reached, you can still apply for a place, but this will have to go to appeal which is run by Gloucestershire County Council.


To get the latest advice on admissions, please visit the Gloucestershire County Council website below or alternatively phone us at school.


There are two types of admissions and both are described below:

  • Applying for a reception place for September 2024

Applications are now made online.

The closing date for applying for a reception place is Monday 15th January 2024.  The Local Authority look at the schools you have put as a preference and see if they can offer you a place at any of them.  Places will be offered on Tuesday 16th  April 2024 which is the National Offer Day. 


  • Applying for a place during the school year

If you move to the area during the school year, or your child needs to move school for other reasons, you will need to apply for a school place by contacting the school or by using the form here  - For further information please visit Gloucestershire County Council's In-year guidance here


Appeals information can be found within our Admissions Policy. 


Current Determined Admission Arrangement Policies

Please find the Diocese of Gloucester Academy Trust's Admission Arrangements Policy for Academic Year 2025-2026 here: DGAT admissions Policy 2025-2026

Please find Dursley C of E Primary Academy's Admission Arrangements Policy for Academic Year 2024-2025 here: Dursley Determined Admission Policy 2024-25

Please find Dursley C of E Primary Academy's Admission Arrangements Policy for Academic Year 2023-2024 here: Dursley Determined Admission Policy 2023-24



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