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Curriculum Support

  • At the start of every school year you are invited to an information session with your child’s class teacher where ideas will be shared.

  • Your child is expected to read at home everyday.

  • Your child will also be given homework.

  • The most important way you can help your child is to show an interest in what they do at school, ensure they attend regularly, eat a nutritious breakfast and get plenty of sleep.


You can really help your child by talking to them about what they have done at school but some children are more forthcoming than others.  


To help you support your child, our curriculum pages have an overview of what your child will be learning each term as well as ideas to help specific to their class and topics.


We hold workshops throughout the year, sometimes by ages of children, where teachers tell you how we teach Maths and English. Additionally, we hold Family Fun sessions, which is an opportunity to engage in some learning and activities with your child within school. 



Reading has astonishing benefits for children: comfort and reassurance, confidence and security, relaxation, happiness and fun. Giving a child time and full attention when reading them a story tells them they matter. It builds self-esteem, vocabulary, feeds imagination and even improves their sleeping patterns. 

Parent Information about Phonics and Early Reading

Phase 2 Sounds Pronunciation Video 

Phase 3 Sounds Pronunciation Video 

Phase 5 Sounds Pronunciation Video


Useful resources: 

Phonics Play

Early Letters and Sounds 

Top 10 Hints for reading at home



It is useful to have an overview of what your child is learning and when, this enables you to link discussion and experiences to this learning. The following document provides you with the Whole School Maths Learning Journey at Dursley Primary Academy. 

Whole School Maths Learning Journey


Parents and Carers want to ensure that they are supporting their child through using the appropriate mathematical methods. If you would like support with this, please use the calculation progression document to support. 

Calculation Progression

Worked Examples


In order to become confident mathematicians, at Dursley Primary Academy, we encourage children to practise using the subject specific vocabulary for maths. Please have a read of our Whole School Vocabulary Progression document, which may help support your child at home.  

Vocabulary Progression Document


Other useful resources:

Free Maths Games

More Free Maths Games

Multiplication Practice (Speak to your child's class teacher for Log-in information)


SCHOOL CLOSURES (e.g. Snow days)

Class teachers will provide activities to be completed at home via Class Dojo.

Activities will be linked to current or previous learning. â€‹


Other useful resources to support home learning during school closures: 

Home - BBC Bitesize

Oak National Academy


Blockly Games






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